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Discursos ganadores de la presentación de la feria de los sueños promoción 2022

Crecer, creer, creer, comprender y trascender.  Encontrarse a sí mismos y construirse para extender las alas y volar lejos.  Estos son los sueños que todos los seres humanos tenemos para nuestro propio desarrollo y con ello convertirnos en seres plenos.  Este proceso de autodescubrimiento es quizás uno de los más largos y complejos, pero cuyos resultados son los más satisfactorios en la vida de cualquier ser humano.  Y a su… Read More »Discursos ganadores de la presentación de la feria de los sueños promoción 2022

Improving Classroom Instruction and Student Achievement through PLCs.

As part of our strategic plan for continuous improvement, we are implementing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). The main goals of PLCs are to: Improve classroom instruction and raise student achievement. Provide opportunity for professional development in which teachers use a collaborative inquiry-based approach to exploring research-based teaching practices that meet student needs and improve achievement. Build a collaborative culture in which data analysis and reflection provide information that is used… Read More »Improving Classroom Instruction and Student Achievement through PLCs.

College and Career Readiness

According to the Nebraska Department of Education (2009) the definition for College and Career Readiness is as follows: “A career ready person capitalizes on personal strengths, talents, education, and experiences to bring value to the workplace and the community through his/her performance, skill, diligence, ethics and responsible behavior… When students are career ready, they are prepared for the next step in their lives—whether that means getting their first job or… Read More »College and Career Readiness


El 2020 fue un año en el que nos sorprendió la Pandemia del Coronavirus.  A partir del 15 de marzo el Gobierno central dio la orden de suspender las clases presenciales.  Al día siguiente que se recibió la orden, Village School ya contaba con un plan para atender a sus estudiantes de manera virtual.  El programa virtual empezó a funcionar inmediatamente y nuestros estudiantes no tuvieron que atrasarse en los… Read More »REGRESO A CLASES


Dear families.

We are gathered here today to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of these young…

In the Midst of a Pandemic

Virtual teaching and learning during the 2020-2021 school year posed challenges to our school community. Day to day activities such as attending classes on time…

Pan-American Debate League

“We fight for a free world, we fight for a fair world” Those were the words spoken by the Village School debate team last December when they were proclaimed the winners of the 1st edition of the Pan-American Debate League, organized by the Uneatlántico University in Spain…

Pensar en grande para luego actuar en grande

Pensar en grande para luego actuar en grande. Y no solo se trata de hacerlo para sí mismo, sino para ponerlo al servicio de aquellos que más lo necesitan. Esta es quizás la premisa esencial del curso de Seminario, una de las clases más demandantes para los alumnos de último año de Village School…

Village School College Fair

Our College Fair was a great hit. All students in high school attended the event and were able to learn about local and foreign universities, their programs and admission requirements…