Middle School Main Objective
To train students through academic excellence, efficient study habits, practice and stimulation values involving the two cerebral hemispheres through the development of cognitive, emotional and physical skills. Preparing students to successfully transition into
High School.

Our Methodology

The Village methodology allows constant brain stimulation according to neuropsychology, as well as respect for the educational needs and learning styles of each student.
Neuro-Physical Development
Our students participate in several sports such as baseball, basketball, track & field, volleyball, soccer, and roller hockey; as well as, our internal P.E. (Physical Education) Program that monitors our students’ healthy habits.

Village School is member of the Association of American Schools of Central America (AASCA) AASCA promotes through its various athletic and academic activities, cultural awareness and support athletic interaction among students from different countries.

STEM (Science - Tech - Engineering - Math)
STEM is the integration of four specific disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an interdisciplinary
and applied approach.

Tolerance & Respect
Citizenship & Sense of Belonging
Empathy & Responsibility
honesty& integrity

Technological World
needs technological professionals

The use of ITC (Information and Communication Technology) in classrooms make students more connected to a global world covering the needs of the future professionals.
Microsoft Certifications
Microsoft Office Specialist is an international certification program that provides our students with the neccesary skills to manage Microsoft Office tools, these are measured and evaluated with globally recognized standards.
Building a culture of opportunities
Our students have the opportunity to learn about new cultures by experimenting through scholarships and leadership activities in countries like: Germany and the United States. Our multilingual vision opens the door for our students to a competitive world in their professional career.

Derechos Reservados Village School 2019