Village School
Admission Requirements
Our school year begins every August. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are open.
Why Should I Apply?
Village students represent a lot of countries, languages and experiences, each one of them
with the necesary skills to face the requirements of a competitive world and dominate 3 or
4 languages. They have a commitment to improving themselves, their communities, and the
Entrepreneurs with empathy and a conscious of continuous learning based on analysis,
synthesis, self-evaluation, and critical thinking . They have a thirst for active learning that
cultivates their personal characteristics and values as much as academic and athletic
To receive more information about admission process,
please follow the next 3 steps
Step 1: Online Application
Thanks for your interest in being a future Village
panther! Please fill out this short form so we can best assist you and know more about you!
1.1 Admission Policy
Priority will be given to:
- Village Alumni Children
- Students who come from our preschool CTE
- Siblings of enrolled students
Special cases:
- Admissions for 11th and 12th grade will be considered if the student has a history of academic and social excellence.
- Students who have learning difficulties, will be evaluated using the admission policy for students with special learning needs and meet the academic requirements.
1.2 School Age Placement Guide

1.3 Admission Test Payment
Admission test “non-refundable” payment is US$ 50.00
Step 2: Interview and Tour

At Village School, we understand that the process of changing schools and/or moving to another country can be challenging and time consuming. That is why we make every effort to streamline the procedures and assist you with this process.
After you have filled out the online application in step 1, our Admission Department will contact you directly to confirm your visit date and time. Please contact us if you have any questions about our admission process.
Step 3: Full Application and Admission
If you advance after the initial interview, you will be required to complete the following
documents for schedule the admission test.

3.1 Documents required for admission test
- Application Enrollment form
- 2 Recent pictures of the student and of each parent.
- Reference form that includes information regarding conduct and academic record from previous school, signed and sealed by Psychology Department.
- Report Cards of the last 3 years, documenting all previous grades.
- Conduct letter signed and sealed by the Psychology Department or Principal.
- Solvency from previous school signed and sealed by the Cashier Department.
- Payment receipt of admission test .
3.2 Documents required to continue the admission process
- Admission exam approval
- Birth Certificate (original and photocopy)
- DPI or passport of both parents (photocopy)
- Local students must submit a report card record of all grades certified by MINEDUC *Foreign Students must submit a report card record of all grades duly legalized (Apostilled) *These should be certified by the Education Ministry of their country and then legalized in the Consulate in Guatemala.
- Health certificate.
- Immunization Record
- Hearing and vision test