As part of our strategic plan for continuous improvement, we are implementing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). The main goals of PLCs are to:
- Improve classroom instruction and raise student achievement.
- Provide opportunity for professional development in which teachers use a collaborative inquiry-based approach to exploring research-based teaching practices that meet student needs and improve achievement.
- Build a collaborative culture in which data analysis and reflection provide information that is used to adapt instruction.
In a PLC, teachers share their concerns, reflect on their teaching strategies, and make data-driven decisions concerning instructional practices. They research best practices that will allow them to develop action plans that are focused on helping students achieve success. During meetings, teachers from the same subject area work together by analyzing student data, writing common assessments, and planning curriculum among other topics. Professional Learning Communities have been recognized by the National Staff Development Council as “a strategy for school improvement—specifically, as a means of supporting high-quality and ongoing professional development”. During the school-wide professional development days, all Village teachers meet with their PLC teams and choose a topic of study, so that cooperatively, they can gain new knowledge and skills. To support teachers Village school has acquired a membership to The Teaching Channel for all teachers and administrators. The Teaching Channel has videos and resources showcasing best practices in all subject areas, so that teachers can watch, share, and learn new strategies to help every student grow.
For the 2021-2022 school year, the High School PLC teams will we working on the following topics:
Science and Engineering Practices
Strategies for Solving Word Problems in Mathematics
Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Fluency Skills: Reading and Writing
Estrategias para la Comprensión Lectora