Dear families
We are gathered here today to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of these young men and women, who, as of today, will officially become Village alumni.
Indeed, today we celebrate, but first and foremost, today is a day to feel truly grateful.
For those of us who believe in a superior being, it is a day in which we should be thankful for the opportunity that our students had to attend a private, international school. This has opened doors to top rate universities around the world. In a country where most of its citizens reach a 5th grade level education, the fact that our students will finish high school and move on to college, is truly a privilege. So yes, I feel grateful for the opportunities that our students were given.
I am also grateful for the fact that despite the challenges that this pandemic has brought, we celebrate today that our students were able to continue learning and preparing for the next phase of their education. They were able to attend classes, take exams, participate in a college fair, share their dreams in Feria de los Sueños and proudly present their amazing Seminario projects.
I am grateful for the professionalism and dedication of our teachers, who went above and beyond all expectations, in order to deliver instruction, attend to the needs of their students and inspire them to pursue their goals.
Today, I am also thankful and in awe to have witnessed the effort and dedication of our students in the areas of academics, sports, leadership and human values. Today we honor and acknowledge these accomplishments.
Dear seniors; my wish for you is that you always strive to do your best in whatever you choose to do. Your education at Village school has equipped you with the necessary skills, knowledge, experiences, and values to navigate the life ahead of you. Make the best of the opportunities ahead and enjoy the next stage of your lives.
Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote by Mark Twain, the great American writer.
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore, dream, discover.”
And know that at Village school, you will always find a safe harbor where you will always be welcome with open arms.
Thank you!

Martha Monzón
High School Principal