Seniors Caravan

You are halfway there! Graduation 2022 is coming Remember that all your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.

Alumni Athletic excellence

Congratulations to our alumni Daira Ismatul and Daniel Ralón for their outstanding performance and hard work, representing Guatemala in the Junior Pan-American Games, Cali- Valle 2021


PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIÓN FISICA Deseamos compartirles que durante el presente ciclo escolar, en el Programa de Educación Fïsica hemos implementado la evaluación diaria de aspectos importantes que brindan al final de cada unidad, los alumnos que mas se han destacado en los siguientes aspectos: Puntualidad, Responsabillidad, Seguimiento de instrucciones, Respeto y compromiso con el curso, Participación activa, Entrega constante en cada acción motríz o técnica. Cada docente del programa es… Read More »EXCELENCIA DEPORTIVA

Village School National Honor Society

Our National Honor Society, Village School chapter is proud to have been inducting new members since 2013 with the continuing emphasis on excellence that we represent for our school and community. Throughout the years, members of our chapter have served as role models for other students.  In addition to the strong academic records which established their eligibility for membership, our chapter members are leaders in many student organizations and serve… Read More »Village School National Honor Society

Academic Excellence of the First Bimester

5th Grade Leiva Meneses; Ian Leonel Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude Ruiz Villatoro; Sofia Nicole Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude Girón Arana; Diego Andrés Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude Navarro Pedroza; Juan Pablo Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude Cáceres Paredes; Mercedes Isabella Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude Rodríguez Hidrovo; Andrés David Academic Excellence – Summa Cum Laude López Zambrano; Walter Gabriel Academic Excellence – Summa… Read More »Academic Excellence of the First Bimester

Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Thanksgiving was a great occasion for students, teachers, and families to have some fun time and celebrate gratitude and togetherness. Out of all the virtual Thanksgiving ideas, our Homeroom from 5th C decided to realize a Scavenger Hunt. It involved nothing more than a scavenger list and some eagle-eyed partygoers. Everybody at home had the chance to participate. In the end, we had some happy winners. Decoration… Read More »Thanksgiving Celebration

Middle School Projects

Actividad de Conmemoración de la Caída del Muro de Berlín SCIENCE 5th Grade We made it rain! We used ice and hot water to make it rain in a jar. For an introduction into the water cycle, we observed the three states water goes through to evaporate, turn to gas in the atmosphere and form clouds through condensation and then, after the water builds up it begins to fall! 6th… Read More »Middle School Projects

Happy Holidays Words by Level Leadership Team

Middle School Families My sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our Middle School Students, Staff and Families. May the timeless message of Christmas Fill your heart and home with joy today and through the coming year Merry Christmas! Glenda Stokes Apreciadas familias y alumnos de Middle School. Agradezco por formar parte de éste maravilloso equipo y les deseo el mejor tiempo para compartir… Read More »Happy Holidays Words by Level Leadership Team

Village Panthers Stay Safe

El área emocional y fortalecimiento de los valores humanos en nuestros estudiantes es parte elemental en la formación de los alumnos Village. Es por ello que como institución buscamos realizar actividades mediante las cuales se promuevan los ocho valores base que forman parte de nuestros pilares (civismo, justicia, empatía, responsabilidad, tolerancia, respeto, integridad y honestidad), por medio de actividades diarias y de forma transcurricular. Durante el proceso de educación escolar… Read More »Village Panthers Stay Safe


One of the most successful Clubs that we have in High School is the one for Debate. This year,  students have been preparing and practicing for the coveted spots of the debate Varsity and Junior Varsity teams that will represent our school in the first AASCA Debate Tournament. This tournament, which will be hosted by VIllage School, will take place from January 19 to January 22 of 2022.  The club… Read More »THE VILLAGE DEBATE CLUB AND THEIR JOURNEY TO AASCA DEBATE TOURNAMENT 2022